
Welcome to Strike!

This is Strike, a text editor with one goal: to make your life easier.

At its core, Strike is a simple, powerful text editor. But with Markdown support, outlines, collaborative features, and a whole lot more, it will become your new favorite productivity tool.

Let’s take a look at some of Strike’s best features (and how you might use them).

1. Text Elements


This is a paragraph. Hit Enter for a line break. That’s all there is to it.

Unordered List

- Use Strike to

- make a grocery list

- for your week.

(Type an asterisk to start an unordered list.)

Ordered List

1 Use Strike to

2 rank your favorite

3 movies and books.

(Type “1.” to start an ordered list.)


Try Strike’s features

Share your document

Collaborate with colleagues

Save time

(Type a dash to start a checklist.)


If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you’ll never get it done.

—Bruce Lee

(Start a line with > for a blockquote.)

Horizontal Rule


To insert an image, click the Attach File button in the right sidebar (or type ⇧⌘A) and select your image.

You can use this to attach other kinds of files, too!


Make notes on your document without taking up extra space (click the icon to check it out):[Now you can leave notes for your collaborators without messing up the document.

Or leave notes to yourself on future things to do, changes to make, or ideas you have yet to explore.]

Hit ⇧⌘N to insert a new note.


Use tags to organize your document or highlight sections that you should come back to:

Click #yourtag in the left sidebar to see it in action.

2. Markdown Syntax

Strike supports Markdown for lightning-fast editing. Just use the following syntax to format your text:


Heading Level
# H1 heading
## H2 heading
### H3 heading
#### H4 heading



You’ll get results like this: italic, bold, underlined, strikethrough.



Here’s what it looks like when you link to Strike in a paragraph.

(In Strike, you can also just type a URL and it will be converted to a link automatically.)

More Markdown

To find the full Markdown syntax, check out

Here’s #yourtag again!


3. Tables

Click the Table icon in the right sidebar to insert a table:

Header 1
Header 2
Header 3

Then click in any cell to type. You can Tab through the table and right-click to add or delete rows and columns.

4. Charts

Strike includes the ability to quickly make professional-looking charts with just a bit of typing:

To insert a chart, click the Chart button in the right sidebar. Then right-click the chart to edit it.

You’ll need to type out your data in a specific format. Here’s how we created the chart above:




You can also change the type of chart. Just right-click on your chart and use the dropdown to select from

- bar,

- horizontal bar,

- line,

- radar,

- pie,

- doughnut, and

- polar area.

Here’s what the same graph looks like as a line graph:

Experiment with different chart types to find the best one for your data!

5. LaTeX Math

You can use LaTeX mathematical syntax to create publication-quality equations and text.

Here’s an example:

To get started, click the LaTeX Math button in the right sidebar. Then right-click the box to enter your text.

Here’s the text we used to create the box above:

When \(a \ne 0\), there are two solutions to \(ax^2 + bx + c = 0\) and they are $$x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}.$$

To learn more about using LaTeX with MathJax, check out the Mathematics chapter of this LaTeX guide.

6. And More

That’s not all! There are collaboration features, themes and colors, and sorting options, too. Check out the help files for more details on those features.

And if you’re still stuck, or you want to learn more, feel free to email us at email address.